July 14-21 Training Schedule

We are now moving into Phase 3 of the training season and we are approximately 13 weeks from the October 15 Time Trial — the date this general program is working toward.

October 15 aside, Phase 3 and Phase 4 (the final two phases of the training year) are race phases. I imagine many of you will be thinking more about races when it’s a bit cooler, but Phase 3 is an excellent phase to get out there and race.

Phase 3 is characterized by the incorporation of “I” workouts.

As mentioned in a previous post, the purpose of “I training” (I stands for interval within the Jack Daniels training approach we are using) is to maximize aerobic power.

“I” workouts will trigger adaptations that increase the heart’s ability to pump blood, the lungs’ capacity to take in oxygen, and the muscles’ efficiency in utilizing oxygen. These adaptations collectively enhance aerobic capacity, allowing you to sustain a faster pace for longer durations.

“I” workouts are offer the benefit of building your mental toughness for hard race efforts. You go into race day with the confidence that you know how to handle the discomfort of racing on the red line.

These workouts incorporate longer intervals — typically aiming for bouts of 3 to 5 minutes — with tightly controlled rests.We will be striving to work very close to VO2max (and maximum heart rate), with a work-to-rest ratio that optimizes this purpose.

Here are the recommended key workouts for the week. Feel free to build them into your personal schedule.

Q1: Long Run

Easy pace run, not longer than 25% of your weekly mileage level. If you are working toward a fall marathon, send me an email if you are in need of a specific plan. tjmurphywriter@gmail.com.

Q2: Tuesday Track Workout

Warmup: 2 easy plus striders

If your mileage level is 30-plus miles per week:

5 x 1000-meters (2.5 laps) with 3-minute recoveries between each interval. You can jog or walk the recoveries — what’s most important is allowing your heart rate to drop so you are ready to tackle the next interval. These are tough intervals — I highly recommend not doing anything more than lightly walk/jogging in a circle and getting your mind right for the following rep.

Total of 5000 meters at I pace. If the weather is stupid hot, feel free to scale to 4 x 1000-meters or scale to 800-meter repeats.

If your mileage is less than 30 miles per week run 5 x 800-meters with 3-minute recoveries. Same thing — Use those 3 minutes to recover and allow your heart rate to drop.

Warm down: 1 to 2-mile jog warm down

Q3: Threshold Pace Workout

T-pace (threshold pace) focus.

If your mileage is 30-plus miles per week:

1-2 miles easy

4 × 1-mile at T pace w/1 min rests

1 to 2-mile jog warm down

If your mileage is under 30 per week:

3 × 1-mile at T pace w/1 min rests

1 to 2-mile jog warm down

For the balance of your training week, sprinkle in easy 30 to 60-minute recovery runs, and/or cross training workouts, and rest days.