August 11 to August 17

 We are rounding the corner in Phase III. 

Here are the recommended key workouts for the week. Feel free to build them into your personal schedule.

Q1: Long Run

Easy pace run, not longer than 25% of your weekly mileage level. If you are working toward a fall marathon, you should be incrementally increasing your long run every other week, alternating your long runs with 5k-10k races or shorter long runs. As runs build toward the 2-hour-plus level, recovery is the priority.

Q2: Tuesday Track Workout: Intervals

Warmup: 1-2 easy plus striders

6 x800-meters  with 400-meter jog recoveries between each interval.

1-2 mile warm down jog

Q3: Threshold Pace Workout

T-pace (threshold pace) focus. 

4 miles total at your T-pace. Great workout for marathoners.

1 mile easy — throw in a few striders at the end (whatever you need to ramp up to your T-pace)

 1-mile T pace. Then 2 min rest.

2 miles T-pace. Then 1 minute rest.

 1-mile T pace. 

3-minute rest/jog

4 × 200 Repetition pace  with 200-meter jog


1 to 2 easy jog warm down

For the balance of your training week, sprinkle in easy 30 to 60-minute recovery runs, and/or cross training workouts, and rest days.

Fee free to contact Tom or I with any questions or post them here