10/6-10/13 Training Schedule (Q1, Q2, & Q3)

Week 5 of Phase 4 (the racing phase ) of the training plan.

Note: Upcoming 1-mile Time Trial — This is officially scheduled for October 15 but if you have a conflict with racing or race recovery let us know! We can conduct your TT on any Tuesday night this month and help you analyze what your current fitness and optimal training paces are.

We will also be holding an All-Comers Time Trial in mid-November for anyone in the club and anyone wanting to join the club. Stay tuned for more info!

Q1: Long Run (if not racing)

Easy pace run, not longer than 25% of your weekly mileage level.

If you are aiming toward a fall marathon, you should be pretty close (f not already there) to closing out your longest runs of the season and beginning to taper down.


Q2: Tuesday Track Workout: T Training

Warmup: 1-2 easy plus striders.

4 x 1 mile at T pace with 3-minute rest between reps.

1-2 mile warm down jog

Q3: Your Q3 workout is your race


Q2: Tuesday Track Workout: I Intervals


Classic interval workout: 6 x 800 meters at I pace with 1-lap easy jog recoveries

1 to 2 easy jog warm down

Q3: T- Workout


20 minutes at T pace.

10 minutes very easy

10 minutes at T pace

1-mile jog warm down

For the balance of your training week, sprinkle in easy 30 to 60-minute recovery runs, and/or cross training workouts, and rest days.