8:00am Lone Tree Hill Parking Lot: 9RX4+J9 Belmont, Massachusetts, USA
Group leader: Assistant Coach Tom
Long run/Easy pace
9 mile “Western Greenway” course: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/313094337
The Coaches can help you with adjusting the distance and the workout depending on your weekly mileage. For this workout the suggestion is to do no more than:
- 12.5 miles or 2.5 hours, whichever comes first, if you are running 50 miles per week
- 10 miles or 2.5 hours, whichever comes first, if you are running 40 miles per week
- 9 miles if you are running 30 miles per week
- 6 miles if you are running 20 miles per week
- 3 miles if you are running 10 miles per week
Calculate your E pace at https://vdoto2.com/calculator by plugging in a recent race or time trial performance.
Purpose: strengthen your heart, improve the blood supply to your muscles, and enhance the oxygen and fuel to energy conversions in your muscle cells.
RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/groups/245182721273311/posts/574392648352315/