See this week’s training schedule from Coach TJ for the workout details.
Meeting location: student parking lot at
Warmup out & back:
One mile loop (pictured below):
Hill Repeats loop:

Core strength, balance, and mobility workout (optional, after the main workout): The workout includes getting down on the outdoors synthetic turf of the track field, so bring a mat if you prefer.
- 10 minutes
- cat cow stretch – 30 seconds
- alternating quadruped – 30 seconds
- lying straight leg raise – 1 minute
- rope climber crunch – 1 minute
- frog squats – 1 minute
- warrior 3 pose on left leg – 30 seconds
- warrior 3 pose on right leg – 30 seconds
- donkey kicks left leg – 30 seconds
- donkey kicks right leg – 30 seconds
- sumo squat pose – 1 minute
- side plank left side – 30 seconds
- side plank right side – 30 seconds
- superman from floor – 1 minute
- lunging hip flexor stretch left leg – 15 seconds
- lunging hip flexor stretch right leg – 15 seconds
- 90/90 stretch left leg – 15 seconds
- 90/90 stretch right leg – 15 seconds