1/21 to 1/27 Training Schedule (Q1, Q2, & Q3)

Two programs: Marathon Training for Spring Marathoners and a Base-Building Schedule for those builing their running base for 2025.

We are back on for Tuesday night workouts at Burlington High School (5:45pm). Recommended workouts both those building their winter base and those training for a spring marathon. Per your invididual goals and current fitness level, we can customize your workout for you.

If you are planning on joining us Tuesday night, please send me your phone number (my number is [at this link on the member Facebook page]). I’ll update those on my Track Night list if we have to cancel the workout due to weather.

Also: Temperature-dependent, Tom is leading those interested in a short strength/mobility workout after the running workout. Be sure to let him or I know that you’d like to do it so we make sure to grab you for the session. [Note from Tom: Tom won’t be there this week, but here is the workout for those interested in doing it on their own.]


Q1: Interval Plus Repetition Work

2 miles easy

3 x 4 minutes at I-pace (hard) with 3-minute jogs

4 x 1 minute at R pace (fast!) with 2 minute jogs

1-2 miles easy warm down

Q2: Threshold

Recommended for Thursday tempo workout. Weekly threshold-pace work pays off in being able to hold a significantly faster marathon race pace.

2-4 miles easy. Throw in a few striders in the second mile.

2 x 2 miles mile at threshold pace (T pace) with 2-minute jog recoveries between the runs. (T pace is essentially your 10K to 1 hour race pace.)

1 mile easy warmdown.

Q3: Long run with Marathon-Pace work

4 miles easy

6 miles at your goal marathon pace (M)

1 mile at threshold pace (about 10 seconds per mile faster than your M pace)

1 mile easy

Fill the rest of your week in with 30-60 minute easy runs. Highly recommended: strength and mobility work to counter the mileage and prevent injury.


Q1: 1-hour to 90-minutes easy long run. Beginners can alternate segments of walking per their fitness level.

Q2: Hill Repeats at Burlington High School meetup Tuesday night at 5:45.

2 miles easy warmup

4-6 Striders

6-8 Hill Repeats — 2 minutes up hill, jog walk recoveries.

1-2 mile warm down

Q3. Tempo run (Cruise Intervals)

Great workout to execute at the Thursday night workout.

10-15 minutes easy including 4 x 20-second striders

6 times 4 minutes at Threshold pace (comfortably hard) with 1 minute jogs between

10-15 minutes easy

Fill the rest of your week in with easy runs, cross-training, strength training and recovery per your schedule and needs!