2/25 to 3/3 Training Schedule (Q1, Q2, & Q3)

A note on the Cruise Intervals/Threshold workout for the week applicable to all threshold training. It’s a very specific pace meant to train your body’s ability to run faster while on the edge of your legs filling up with lactic acid and you having to stop. Peaked and rested, T-pace/Threshold pace is a speed you could hold for an hour before having to stop. Bringing up your T-pace fitness is a powerful component to being able to run at faster pace in 10k’s, half-marathons and marathons. This week’s version is the “cruise interval” version of a T-pace workout. To quote coach Jack Daniels on an effective cruise interval workout, sticking to the right pace is where the money is:

“Even though cruise intervals provide little periodic rest breaks, that does not mean you should run them faster. In fact, if you think you are not stressed enough doing cruise intervals, just reduce the recovery time a bit.”


Q1: Fartlek Intervals (a good hard pace aka “I” pace). Burlington H.S. 5:45pm Tuesday night

2-mile warmup jog + striders

1 × 4 min hard with 3 min jg

2 × 3 min hard with 2 min jg

3 × 2 min H with 1 min jg

4 × 1 min H with 30 sec jg

Q2: Cruiser Intervals at Threshold Pace

1.5-mile miles easy

5 x 5-minutes at “comfortably hard” pace (T pace) with 1-minute jog recoveries

1-2 miles easy

Q3: Long run

Easy pace (able to chat with your runniner partner): 90-minutes plus depending on your weekly mileage.