Thursday July 18 Quality Workout

6:30pm from the Woburn Irish American Club. Group leader: Tom

The workout this week from the coaches’ weekly training schedule is mile repeats at threshold (T) pace. On Thursdays we do the Q3 workout from the weekly training schedule. T pace is a comfortably hard pace, and the purpose of training at T pace is to train your endurance and lactate threshold. Threshold workouts can be done in one big work bout, which we call a tempo run, or in successive shorter work bouts, which we call cruise intervals. This is a cruise intervals workout.

See the coach tips page or ask one the coaches for how to find your T pace, and for how to scale the workout down or up according to your weekly mileage.

If your mileage is 30-plus miles per week:

1-2 miles easy

4 × 1-mile at T pace w/1 min rests

1 to 2-mile jog warm down

If your mileage is under 30 per week:

1-2 miles easy

3 × 1-mile at T pace w/1 min rests

1 to 2-mile jog warm down

A suggested course for this workout is the following 7.7 mile loop. This course can be shortened or lengthened depending on how many work bouts you are doing. It is big enough to fit in the 4 x 1 mile option.

The weekly Horn Pond summer fun run is occurring again this week on this same evening. Please feel welcome to run that instead. Details in the flyer in the picture below.