The weekly Training Schedule including Quality (key) workouts is recommended by the Coaches whatever your running, fitness, and longevity goals may be. The Training Schedule is compatible with any runner, no matter how slow or fast, no matter how few or many miles, as long as each runner follows their appropriate Training Paces and scales the workouts according to their weekly mileage.
Please refer to the Coach Tips page for guidance regarding Training Paces and scaling the workouts down or up to align with where you’re at in your weekly mileage.
Workouts can be moved around to accommodate your personal schedule. Any day that is not a Quality workout day can be an Easy pace run of 30-60 minutes, a strength training or cross training workout, or a rest day of no working out at all. If you have a race or a time trial, remove a Quality workout from the week. You should have 2-3 days before a race of no faster than Easy pace, which includes the option of not running at all. If you can only do one Quality workout in a week, do Q1. If you can only do two Quality workouts in a week, do Q1 and Q2. If you’re not feeling up to a Q (or even an E) run that day, skip it, better to rest up and be ready for the next day. Rest is just as important as work, but every day, resting or not, be sure to stand up and walk around every so often to avoid being completely sedentary for hours on end.
At least two strength training workouts per week on non-consecutive days are recommended.
The Tuesday evening workout features one of these Quality workouts, as well as an optional post-run ten minute core strength, balance, and mobility body weight workout.