This page provides brief descriptions of many of the exercises featured in the core strength, mobility, and balance workout. For full understanding, proper form, and options for the exercises featured in this workout from the weekly Training Schedule, please consider attending the Tuesday evening workout, after which Assistant Coach Tom leads a full run-through of this workout if anyone is present and interested.
- 90/90 Stretch
- Butt on ground, one leg in front with knee bent, one leg behind. Stretch glutes.
- Back Extension
- Prone on ground, hands stay off the ground, toes touching the ground. Lift your upper body up from the ground.
- Balance Squats
- Same as Single-Leg Squat. Stand, lift one foot off the ground, and squat using one leg.
- Same as Single-Leg Squat. Stand, lift one foot off the ground, and squat using one leg.
- Bear Crawl with Breakdancer Kickthroughs
- A Bear Crawl is hands and feet touch the ground, knees lifted off the ground, and then step one foot forward and then back. In this move we get into the Bear Crawl position, but we don’t do the Crawl part of stepping one foot forward and back. Breakdancer Kickthroughs start from the Bear Crawl position, then lift one hand off the ground and the opposite foot off the ground, and then kick the lifted foot sideways as you rotate your torso.
- Bridge
- Supine on the ground, knees bent, feet near butt. Lift butt up off the ground.
- Cat Cow Stretch
- Down on all fours, then arch back up (cat) and down (cow).
- C-Crunch
- Supine on ground, knees bent. Lift torso up at the same time as lifting the knees over the hips.
- C-Crunch Toe Tap
- Do a C-Crunch and then tap the toes of one foot down to the ground and back up, all while holding your torso up.
- Clam Bridges
- Do a Bridge and then while holding at the top move your knees wider and then back in.
- Crescent Lunge with Single Leg Squat
- Lunge with a forward hinge at the hips, rear leg is straight at the knee with opposite hand on hip and other arm held straight up above head. Squat on the one leg.
- Crunch
- Supine on ground, knees bent. Lift torso up, keeping the feet touching the ground.
- Donkey Kicks
- Down on all fours, kick one leg backwards.
- Extended Crunch with Knee to Elbow
- Supine on ground, arms straight up past head, legs straight. Lift straight arms, torso, and legs up off ground to do an Extended Crunch, and then lower torso to ground and bend one knee in toward ipsilateral elbow.
- Flying Bear Crawl
- A Bear Crawl is hands and feet touch the ground, knees lifted off the ground, and then step one foot forward and then back. To make it a Flying Bear Crawl, step the opposite hand forward and back at the same time as you step the foot forward and back.
- Frog C-Crunch with Shootout
- A Frog C-Crunch is a C-Crunch with the knees spread wide and the feet touching, and the hands touching and reaching through the knees. Adding a Shootout to this means then extending the arms and legs as you lower your torso back down.
- Frog Squats
- Stand up and bend over and touch your elbows to your knees, keeping your legs straight. Then squat, all while keeping your elbows at your knees.
- Hamstring Stretch
- Down on two hands and one knee, with the other leg extended straight and forward between the hands with its foot on the ground.
- Hip Flexor Stretch
- Down on one knee with the other foot stepped forward, and then shift your weight forward.
- Hip Squat Stretch
- Squat deeply with your butt almost touching the ground, your knees wide, and your armpits near your knees.
- Horse Stance Pointer with Wide Climber
- Down on all fours, then extend one arm forward and lift the opposite leg with its knee bent up and sideways.
- Hover
- Lie prone, and then prop yourself up on your elbows and toes while keeping your body straight.
- Hover with Hip Drops
- Hover and then slightly drop one hip and then the other hip a bit closer to the ground.
- Iguana Back Extensions
- Back Extensions with the hands wide and the fingers gently touching the ground.
- Jackknife
- Obliques exercise. One butt cheek on ground, one hand touching ground on either side for balance, legs extended. Then lift the legs up to the sky while keeping them straight.
- Lunge Step-Ups
- Lunge, and then step the rear leg forward all the way past the standing leg into an upright stance with the once-rear leg’s knee now lifted forward of its hip.
- Lunges
- Both feet touching the ground, with one foot stepped backwards, and both knees bent.
- Lying Down Scissor Kicks
- Supine on the ground, lift extended legs and then bring the feet wide, and then bring the feet back towards one another and continuing the motion move one foot just forward of and/or slightly past the other foot. Weave feet back out and in, alternating which foot goes forward of the other.
- Lying Straight Leg Raise
- Supine on the ground, lift extended legs.
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank position, and then bring one knee forward with its foot lifted off the ground.
- Moving Hover
- Hover, and then rock slightly forward and then rock back.
- Oblique Knee Drop
- Supine on the ground, lift knees bent 90 degrees up, and then keeping your shoulders touching the ground rotate your knees together sideways.
- Oblique Knee Tuck
- Obliques exercise. One butt cheek on ground, one hand touching ground on either side for balance, legs extended. Then bend the knees to bring them in towards your chest.
- One-Arm One-Leg Deadlifts
- Balancing move of standing on one leg while extending the other leg back behind you as you hinge your hips, lean your torso forward, and lower one arm.
- One-Legged Squat Chair Pose
- Squat with one leg crossed over the other knee, with hips hinged and arms extended up above the head.
- Plank
- Lie prone, and then prop yourself up on your hands and toes while keeping your body straight.
- Plank Commando Crawls
- Plank position, then walk one hand forward at the same time as walking the opposite foot forward. Then do the same with the other hand and foot. You can crawl forwards and backwards this way.
- Plank Jacks
- Plank position, and then jump the feet out wide, and then jump the feet back in.
- Prone Bent Knee Hip Extensions
- Same as Reverse Leg Raise Skydivers. Lie prone with your knees bent and your feet close to each other and pointing up to the sky, and then lift your knees up off the ground.
- Quad Stretch
- Stand up on one foot while grabbing the other foot behind you to bring it up close to your butt.
- Quadruped
- Down on all fours, then extend one arm and the opposite leg.
- Reclining Pigeon Stretch
- Supine on the ground, then cross one leg over the other with ankle to knee, then reach forward and grab behind said knee and lean back to stretch the glutes.
- Reverse Leg Raise Skydivers
- Same as Prone Bent Knee Hip Extensions. Lie prone with your knees bent and your feet close to each other and pointing up to the sky, and then lift your knees up off the ground.
- Rolling Hover
- Hover, and then lift one elbow off the ground and roll until your torso is facing sideways.
- Rolling Plank
- Plank, and then lift one hand off the ground and roll until your torso is facing sideways.
- Rope Climber Crunch
- Supine on ground, knees bent. Lift torso up, keeping the feet touching the ground, and move your hands and lift your torso incrementally as if you’re climbing a rope.
- Scorpion Pulse
- Down on all fours, then lift one leg behind you with its knee bent, and then lift that leg to push its foot up to the sky. Pulse the move by moving the lifted foot up and down.
- Shootouts
- C-Crunch and then extend arms and legs and then back to C-Crunch.
- Side Hover with Hip Lift
- Hover on one elbow with either both feet touching the ground or one knee and one foot touching the ground, and your torso straight and facing sideways, then slightly hinge sideways to lift the hip.
- Side Hover with Oblique Crunch
- Hover on one elbow with either both feet touching the ground or one knee and one foot touching the ground, and your torso straight and facing sideways, then crunch your top off-the-ground elbow and knee in towards one another.
- Side Plank
- Plank on one hand with either both feet touching the ground or one knee and one foot touching the ground, and your torso straight and facing sideways.
- Single-Leg Squat
- Same as Balancing Squat. Stand, lift one foot off the ground, and squat using one leg.
- Sliding Plank with Double Leg Lift
- Plank with feet wide, and then shift weight sideways over one hand, while lifting the opposite extended leg twice. Slide the move over to do the same on the other side.
- Staggered Hip Circles with Kickback Pulses
- Stand upright and with no hinging at the hips. Lift one leg to put its knee in front of your hip, then rotate that knee sideways, then rotate that knee backwards and then kick that off-the-ground leg backwards and pulse the backwards kick.
- Standing Hip Opener Circles
- Stand upright and with no hinging at the hips. Lift one leg to put its knee in front of your hip, then rotate that knee sideways while keeping it lifted, then lower that foot to the ground. Repeat with the other leg.
- Standing IT Band Stretch
- Stand upright, extend one arm up over head, and then bend torso sideways to stretch the Iliotibial band on the ipsilateral side as your extended arm.
- Standing Side Leg Lifts
- Stand upright, then abduct one straightened leg out sideways to lift its foot out to the side away from your standing foot.
- Sumo Squat Pose
- Squat with feet and knees very wide, with knees over hips.
- Superman
- Prone on ground, then lift your upper body, hands, knees, and toes off the ground.
- Top Half Crunch
- Crunch, but when you release back down don’t lower all the way to the ground, and then crunch back up again.
- Triple Mountain Climber plus Bolt
- Plank position, and then bring one knee forward and back three times with its foot lifted off the ground, and then bolt your torso backwards into a Bear Crawl position.
- Triple Mountain Climbers
- Plank position, and then bring one knee forward and back three times with its foot lifted off the ground.
- Warrior 3 Pose
- Balance on one foot, with the standing leg relatively straight, torso hinged forward at the hip, and the other leg relatively straight and extended back behind you.
- Windshield Wipers
- Supine on the ground, lift legs up with either one or both feet pointing skyward, and then keeping your shoulders touching the ground rotate your knees together sideways, one way and then the other.